JPEGView Portable is an open source program that will allow the user to view, edit and create JPEG files. JPEG View can be downloaded for free on the internet or for a small fee can be purchased. The best option is to purchase the free version of this software which is available from various websites on the internet. This software is not limited to one specific platform, but has been designed to work on Windows 95, XP, Server 2020, Vista and Windows 7. The new version is Windows 7 Compatible.
JPEGView Portable is a great program for those who love to edit and create their own images. This program comes with many features including cropping, resizing, brightness/contrast/tone, color, rotation, hue/saturation, noise reduction, sharpening, and more. This program is different from other applications because it has many special features that cannot be found in other programs. The program also allows the user to preview an image before making any changes. This software is so easy to use that anyone can operate it. There are thousands of users worldwide who use this software to create amazing pictures and share them with others on the internet. JPEGView portable comes with complete instructions and information about how to use the software and instructions about how to get help if needed with any problems.
This software is compatible with all versions of Windows. The price for this program ranges from $30 for the non-commercial use to thousands of dollars for the full version. The only difference is in the price is the type of operating system used on the computer. This software is used by graphic artists, photographers, musicians, advertisers, filmmakers, and more who need to create unique images on their computer. This software was developed by Jan Vigneault who started this company in the late 90's. This company now has over six years of experience creating high quality software products.